Open Daily 10am – 4pm
111 Princes Hwy, Yarragon, VIC | 03 5634 2229
Chantal de Kock Yesterday Today and Tomorrow Australian artist Town & Country Gallery Gippsland

Chantal de Kock


Chantal de Kock is an Australian artist living in the beautiful rural landscape of Gippsland, Victoria.  With a background in interior and textile design, Chantal’s creativity touches all aspects of her life.  In recent times, she has found earth pigments and mixed media on canvas a means of exploring how our environment both shapes and grounds us, with a sense of connection and belonging.

‘Spending time in nature grounds me in the moment; through my art I find a strong connection to the earth, a sense of belonging and deep inner peace.  Painting calls me to be present and engage in the moment of creative flow, where time simply disappears.  My landscapes are influenced by the many places I have lived; often connecting me emotionally to a time that holds deep meaning and healing as I navigate the journey of my past.’ – Chantal de Kock

Selection of current works